Rabu, 26 September 2007
Three businessmen are in Cleveland for a convention. Since they are on a budget, they decide to spend the night at a motel that charges $30 per night for a room ($10 per man). The motel manager is in a good mood that night and decides to reimburse some of the money. He gives the bell boy $5 and tells him to give it to the three men. However, the bell boy is dishonest and figures that you cannot divide $5 evenly among three men, so he gives back $1 to each man and keeps the other $2 for himself. Now, the businessmen have each paid $9 for the room, or $27 all together, and the bell boy has $2, for a total of $29. What happened to the other $1?
Selasa, 18 September 2007
Satu lagi informasi yang mungkin dapat bermanfaat. Kali ini mengenai makanan dan minuman penurun kolesterol.Anggapan mengenai tingginya kolesterol dalam darah hanya bisa terjadi pada manula atau mereka yang usianya sudah kepala empat, sungguh salah besar.
Menurut dr. Suyanto Sidik Sp.PD dari RS Internasional Bintaro, Banten, kolesterol tinggi bisa terjadi pada usia muda, bahkan di usia belasan.
Tips menurunkan kolesterol:
Hindari atau kurangi mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman berminyak, berlemak, dan mengandung kolesterol tinggi.Contoh: jeroan, kepiting, udang, kerang, kacang-kacangan, daging, santan, minyak, margarin, cokelat, dan gula.
OlahragaMenurut Prof. Dr. Walujo S. Soerjodibroto, Ph.D, guru besar FKUI - Departemen Ilmu Gizi, tubuh manusia sangat susah mengeluarkan kolesterol. Agar kolesterol tidak menumpuk maka harus dikeluarkan secara paksa. Caranya dengan banyak beraktivitas fisik.Lakukan olahraga rutin minimal 20 menit setiap hari.
Perbanyak konsumsi makanan dan minuman yang dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol.Semua buah dan sayuran mengandung serat. Jadi, semua buah dan sayuran juga mampu menurunkan kolesterol. Serat dapat mengikat kolesterol sehingga tak beredar dalam darah. Sedangkan vitamin C untuk homeostasis alias pengatur keseimbangan kolesterol.Yang perlu diingat, sayuran yang kaya vitamin C cukup direbus setengah matang. Kalau sampai matang, vitaminnya hilang.Jika sayuran atau buah-buahan dibuat menjadi jus, minumlah bersama ampasnya, karena ampas itu merupakan sumber serat yang mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol.
Beberapa jenis makanan dan minuman yang dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol adalah sebagai berikut:BAWANG PUTIH - Konsumsi bawang putih setengah sampai satu siung sehari secara kontinyu selama satu bulan mampu menurunkan kolesterol sebanyak 9%. Harap dosisnya diperhatikan benar! Jika terlalu banyak, tak baik bagi kesehatan. Mengonsumsi lebih dari tiga siung setiap hari dapat menimbulkan diare, kentut, sebah, dan demam. Bahkan bisa memunculkan perdarahan lambung.
Salah satu zat antikolesterol paling kuat pada bawang putih adalah ajoene. Senyawa ini juga dapat mencegah penggumpalan darah. Walau bawang putih dimasak, kandungan senyawa ini tidak rusak. Pada 1981, peneliti dari Pusat Riset Obat-obatan di Tagore Medical College, India, melaporkan efek bawang putih mentah dan goreng yang diujicobakan pada 20 pasien dengan riwayat penyakit jantung. Menurut laporannya, terdapat pengurangan kecenderungan pembentukan bekuan darah pada pembuluh darah mereka. Ini ditunjukkan oleh aktivitas fibrinolitik yang meningkat. Penelitian juga mengemukakan, khasiat memang sedikit berkurang bila bawang digoreng, tapi tak terlalu bermakna. Jadi pandangan umum yang menyatakan bawang putih akan kehilangan efeknya bila dimasak adalah salah.
Khasiat bawang putih juga bergantung pada tempat tumbuhnya. Bawang putih yang tumbuh di tanah kaya selenium akan mengandung selenium yang tinggi pula sehingga manfaatnya sebagai obat antipenuaan akan lebih terasa.TEMPE - Sekalipun berasal dari rumpun kacang-kacangan, tempe sangat ampuh dalam menurunkan kolesterol. Tempe memiliki kandungan niacin yang mampu menurunkan kolesterol. Tempe mengandung niacin 5 x lebih banyak daripada kedelai. Selain juga mengandung isoflavon yang sudah teruji bisa menurunkan kolesterol.TEH - Menurut penelitian, EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), yaitu komponen bioaktif paling dominan dalam teh terbukti mampu mencegah percepatan oksidasi kolesterol LDL (kolesterol jahat). Artinya dengan mengonsumsi teh setiap hari dalam jumlah yang wajar, risiko penyumbatan pembuluh darah penyebab penyakit jantung dapat dikurangi.ANGGUR - Selain serat, di dalam buah anggur terdapat pula zat catechin yang sangat baik dalam menurunkan kolesterol.APEL - Buah yang satu ini sangat terkenal kaya akan serat dan zat antioksidan. Sudah tentu apel pun kaya vitamin C. Maka dari itu, apel bisa juga diandalkan sebagai penurun kolesterol. Sebaiknya apel dikonsumsi beserta kulitnya, karena di kulit inilah terdapat kandungan pektin (serat larut yang ampuh sekali dalam menurunkan kadar kolesterol) dan antioksidan paling banyak.ALPUKAT/AVOKAD - Selama ini avokad dikenal kaya akan lemak. Tak heran jika buah ini selalu dijauhi manakala kolesterol sedang tinggi, padahal avokad sangat baik untuk menurunkan kolesterol. Buah ini mengandung asam lemak tak jenuh yang baik untuk menurunkan kolesterol jahat.BLUEBERRY - Buah blueberry mungkin dapat dijadikan salah satu pengobatan alternatif dalam menurunkan kolesterol di tubuh kita. Karena penelitian yang dilakukan para ahli di Amerika dengan menggunakan binatang pengerat memberikan hasil yang memuaskan dalam menurunkan kolesterol.
Walaupun ini baru merupakan penelitian awal, tapi telah memberikan harapan baru untuk mengembangkannya sebagai salah satu pengobatan. Penelitian ini diungkapkan pada pertemuan American Chemical Society.
Komponen yang ada dalam blueberry, Pterostilbene, menunjukkan efek yang menstimulasi protein reseptor yang ada dalam sel, yang berperan penting dalam menurunkan kolesterol dan lemak tubuh lainnya.
Kerja Pterostilbene ini, mirip dengan kerja dari obat penurun kolesterol, Ciprofibrate. Ciprofibrate ini efektif dalam menurunkan kolesterol dalam darah, tapi dapat menimbulkan efek samping seperti nyeri otot dan mual pada beberapa orang. Sedang blueberry, yang bekerja pada reseptor sel hati sebagai target kerjanya, akan bekerja lebih akurat. Sehingga efek sampingnya juga lebih kecil. Dalam penelitian ini juga tidak ditemukan adanya efek samping.
Penelitian lainnya pada blueberry, menyebutkan bahwa Pterostilbene mungkin juga dapat membantu melawan kanker dan diabetes. Dan juga tidak tertutup kemungkinan dipakai untuk mencegah kegemukan dan penyakit jantung.
Penelitian lebih lanjut pada manusia diperlukan setelah penelitian di laboratorium ini membawa hasil yang menjanjikan. Tapi yang tetap penting harus terus dilakukan adalah tetap melakukan aktifitas fisik yang disertai dengan pola makan yang sehat, banyak konsumsi sayur dan buah dan rendah lemak jenuh. Semua itu merupakan cara terbaik dalam menurunkan kolesterol dan risiko penyakit jantung.IKAN - Ikan sangat kaya asam lemak tak jenuh (omega3). Selain dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah, asam lemak ini juga mencegah terjadinya pengumpulan keping-keping darah yang mengakibatkan penyumbatan pembuluh darah.
Berdasarkan habitatnya terdapat dua golongan ikan; ikan air tawar dan ikan laut. Habitat ikan memengaruhi kandungan zat gizi ikan. Ikan air tawar kaya akan karbohidrat dan protein, sedangkan ikan laut kaya akan lemak tak jenuh, vitamin dan mineral.
Tabel kandungan Asam Lemak Omega-3 per 100 gram
Jenis ikan
Asam Lemak Omega-3 (gram)
Tuna 2,1
Sardin 1,2
Salmon 1,6
Makarel 1,9
Herring 1,2
Teri 1,4
Tongkol 1,5
Tenggiri 2,6
Tawes 1,5
Kembung 2,2
Majalah Nakita
Selasa, 11 September 2007
Jokes in English for the ESL/EFL Classroom
Submitted by: Freshteh Sadeghi
Here is a good riddle to demonstrate the battle-between-the-sexes kind of jokes.
Q: Why did God create the man before he created the woman?
A1: The answer that men give: To give him the chance to enjoy Heaven on Earth for a few moments.
A2: The answer that women give: Everyone makes a draft first!
Submitted by: Robert
Fred is 32 years old and he is still single. One day a friend asked, "Why aren't you married? Can't you find a woman who will be a good wife?" Fred replied, "Actually, I've found many women I wanted to marry, but when I bring them home to meet my parents, my mother doesn't like them." His friend thinks for a moment and says, "I've got the perfect solution, just find a girl who's just like your mother." A few months later they meet again and his friend says, "Did you find the perfect girl? Did your mother like her?" With a frown on his face, Fred answers, "Yes, I found the perfect girl. She was just like my mother. You were right, my mother liked her very much." The friend said, "Then what's the problem?" Fred replied, "My father doesn't like her."
An elementary school teacher sends this note to all parents on the first day of school.
"If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I will promise not to believe everything your child says happens at home. Submitted by: Willaim Greaves
A: Doctor, will I be able to play the piano after the operation?
B: Yes, of course.A: Great! I never could before! Submitted by: Fred
Why couldn't Cinderella be a good soccer player?
She lost her shoe, she ran away from the ball, and her coach was a pumpkin.
(Requires basic knowledge of the Cinderella story and that both ball and coach have double meanings.) Submitted by: Jillian H.
Teacher: Tell me a sentence that starts with an "I".
Student: I is the...
Teacher: Stop! Never put 'is' after an "I". Always put 'am' after an "I".
Student: OK. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet. Submitted by: Monirul Hassan
Two factory workers are talking.
The woman says, "I can make the boss give me the day off."
The man replies, "And how would you do that?"
The woman says, "Just wait and see."
She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling.
The boss comes in and says, "What are you doing?"
The woman replies, "I'm a light bulb."
The boss then says, "You've been working so much that you've gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off."
The man starts to follow her and the boss says, "Where are you going?"
The man says, "I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark." Submitted by: Tshifhiwa Rambau
Two cows are standing in a field.
One says to the other "Are you worried about Mad Cow Disease?"
The other one says "No, It doesn't worry me, I'm a horse!" Submitted by: Michael Trew
Teacher: How can we get some clean water?
Student: Bring the water from the river and wash it. Submitted by: Zeinab Eltayb
Q. What do you call a ginger bread man with one leg?
A. Limp Bizkit. (limp biscuit)
(Alternate: What do the British call a cookie that got wet?) Submitted by: Emily Mileski
(If you don't know what Limp Bizkit is, see the results of a Google search for Limp Bizkit.)
A guy says to his friend, "Guess how many coins I have in my pocket." The friends says, "If I guess right, will you give me one of them?" The first guys says, "If you guess right, I'll give you both of them!" Submitted by: Matty
This is a good one to follow the following previously submitted joke.
A: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
B: No idea. (No Eye Deer.)
A: What do you call a dead deer with no eyes?
B: Still no idea.
A: Meet my new born brother.
B: Oh, he is so handsome! What's his name?
A: I don't know. I can't understand a word he says.
Submitted by: Landa Eugene
Q: When does the (English) alphabet have only 25 letters?
A: At Christmas time, because it is the time of Noel. (No L) Submitted by: George Hurlburt
Q: What starts with E, ends with E and only has one letter?
A: An envelope.
Q: If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea, what does it become?
A: Wet.
Q: What do you call a boomerang that won't come back?
A: A stick.
Q: Where do you find giant snails?
A: On the ends of their fingers. (Giants' nails.)
Q: What travels around the world and stays in a corner?
A: A stamp.
Q: What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean?
A: A blackboard.
These need to be written.
Q: What do you call a pig with three eyes?
A: A piiig.
Q: What goes Oh, Oh, Oh?
A: Santa Claus walking backwards.
Q: What do elephants have that no other animal has?
A: Baby elephants.
Depending on where you live, students will enjoy this one.
Q: What do you call a hippie's wife?
A: Mississippi.
Q: What did the ocean say to the beach?
A: Nothing, it just waved!
Submitted by: Eric Stein
The First 3 Years of Marriage
In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.
In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.
In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.
A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: "Wife wanted".
The next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine."
Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.
Q: What happens when "you" and "I" are gone?
A: Only 24 letters are left. (you=the letter "u" and I the letter "i".)
Submitted by: Maria Zermani
Riddles of Alphabet
Q: What letter of the alphabet is an insect?
A: B. (bee)
Q: What letter is a part of the head?
A: I. (eye)
Q: What letter is a drink?
A: T. (tea)
Q: What letter is a body of water?
A: C. (sea)
Q: What letter is a pronoun like "you"?
A: The letter " I "
Q: What letter is a vegetable?
A: P. (pea)
Q: What letter is an exclamation?
A: O. (oh!)
Q: What letter is a European bird?
A: J. (Jay)
Q: What letter is looking for causes ?
A: Y. (why)
Q: What four letters frighten a thief?
A: O.I.C.U. (Oh I see you!)
Q: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand years?
A: The letter "m".
Q: Why is the letter "T" like an island ?
A: Because it is in the middle of waTer.
Q: In what way can the letter "A" help a deaf lady?
A: It can make "her" "hear.
Q: Which is the loudest vowel?
A: The letter "I". It is always in the midst of noise
Q: What way are the letter "A" and "noon" alike?
A: Both of them are in the middle of the "day".
Q: Why is "U" the happiest letter?
A: Because it is in the middle of "fun".
Q: What word of only three syllables contains 26 letters?
A: Alphabet = (26 letters)
Q: What relatives are dependent on "you"?
A: Aunt, uncle, cousin. They all need "U".
Q: What is the end of everything?
A: The letter "g".
Submitted by: Mubarak Abdessalami
This is a bilingual English/Spanish joke-- especially good for a class of native Spanish speakers. It also illustrates an important gramatical difference between languages (genders of nouns).
An Englishman went to Spain on a fishing trip. He hired a Spanish guide to help him find the best fishing spots. Since the Englishman was learning Spanish, he asked the guide to speak to him in Spanish and to correct any mistakes of usage. They were hiking on a mountain trail when a very large, purple and blue fly crossed their path. The Englishmen pointed at the insect with his fishing rod, and said, "Mira el mosca!" The guide, sensing a teaching opportunity, replied, "No, senor, 'la mosca'... es feminina."
The Englishman looked at him, then back at the fly, and then said, "Good heavens... you must have incredibly good eyesight."
Submitted by: Gary Cooper, Dallas, Texas
Q: What has many keys but can't open any doors?
A: A piano.
Q: What has 6 eyes but can't see?
A: 3 blind mice.
Q: Who earns money driving their customers away?
A: A taxi driver.
The teacher speaking to a student said, "Saud, name two pronouns."
Saud who suddenly woke up, said, "Who, me?"
Submitted by: Abu Jouri
Teacher: Today, we're going to talk about the tenses. Now, if I say "I am beautiful," which tense is it?
Student: Obviously it is the past tense.
Submitted by: Abu Jouri
Q: What is orange and sounds like parrot?
A: A carrot
Submitted by: Mariana GÛmez
Q: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?
A: Yes, because the Empire State Building can't jump!
Submitted by: Ana CarriÁo, Portugal
This is a riddle. It works well if you let the students ask yes and no questions about the situation, before revealing the answer.
Q: A man goes into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a gun, and points it at the customer. "Thank you" replies the customer and walks out. What happened?
A: The customer had hiccups.
I've used this in many countries in Eastern Europe. It always works - a shock as a hiccup cure appears to be an international thing.
Submitted by: Jenny Mitchell
Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
A: No idea.(No-eye deer)
Submitted by: Pablo Ortega Ju·rez
ESL teacher: You must never begin a sentence "I is ...".
Clever student: Please sir, what's wrong with "I is a vowel".
"If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I will promise not to believe everything your child says happens at home."
A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley, when he spotted a world-famous heart surgeon in his shop. The heart surgeon was waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike. The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey Doc can I ask you a question?" The famous surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this engine. I also can open it up, take valves out, fix'em, put in new parts and when I finish this will work just like a new one. So how come I get a pittance and you get the really big money, when you and I are doing basically the same work?" The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic, "Try doing it while it's running."
911 Call: A man called 911 and spoke frantically into the phone, "My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!" "Is this her first child?" the dispatcher asked. "No, you idiot!" the man shouted, "This is her husband!"
Things To Ponder
- Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
- Spotted on the back of a t-shirt worn by LAPD Bomb Squad: "If you see me running, try to keep up."
- Don't you think it's unnerving that doctors call what they do "Practice"?
- You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.
- A closed mouth gathers no feet.
- Did you ever notice that Evian bottled water is Naïve spelled backwards?
- The grass may actually be greener on the other side of the fence, but it still has to be mowed!
- A Wizard worked in a modern factory. Everything was satisfactory except that certain miscreants, taking advantage of his good nature, would steal his parking spot. This continued until he put up the following effective sign: "This Parking Space Belongs To The Wizard. ... Violators Will Be Toad."
Kiss per Yard
Walking up to a department store's fabric counter, a pretty girl asked, "I want to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?" "Only one kiss per yard," replied the smirking male clerk. "That's fine," replied the girl. "I'll take ten yards." With expectation and anticipation written all over his face, the clerk quickly measured out and wrapped the cloth, then teasingly held it out. The girl snapped up the package and pointed to a little old man standing beside her. "Grandpa will pay the bill," she smiled.
Sabtu, 08 September 2007
My teacher calls me sweetie cakes.
My classmates think it's funny
to hear her call me angel face
or pookie bear or honey.
She calls me precious baby doll.
She calls me pumpkin pie
or doodle bug or honey bunch
or darling butterfly.
My class is so embarassing
I need to find another;
just any class at all
in which the teacher's not my mother.
Mrs. Teecher,
This noat iz too say
that Brittney iz
undur the whether tooday.
So tho Brittney noes
how importent it iz,
she kant cumb too skool
fore tooday's speling kwiz.
David Gurley
I work as a secretary at an elementary school. During the second week of school a student in Mrs. Maemura's first grade class was sent to the office after having a bathroom accident. Number 2. I bent down and softly asked her if she had diarrhea. She looked up at me and said "No. I have Mrs. Maemura."
At Math time, I told the kids that we were going to talk about Even and Odd. One boy yelled out- "I know that story. It's in the Bible! " After I quit laughing, I said- "I think you mean Adam and Eve. "Chris Minch ~ Stuart, FL
As an introduction to a new book, I was introducing my 6th graders to new vocabulary words. I read a list of new words that the students would add to their list, and after I said, "Number 6. Rhododendron" one boy started asking his table mates where "Dendron" was. The kids could not understand what he was asking so he asked me "where the road to Dendron was". After collecting myself, I told him that rhododendron was one word. I still think that he is looking for Dendron.
April Bynum ~Jonesboro, AR
Many years ago when I was a teen, I was assisting the Sunday school teacher in class. One Sunday, as we approached the Lenten season , the teacher asked the group of 1st graders if any one of them knew what Lent was. One of the little girls holding her hand high and proud stated that she knew what Lent was. The little girl explained that "Lent" was the little things that her mom picked off the clothes when they came out of the dryer. Maine
I was a teacher in a tutoring center and at the end of every session, we would ask the students quiz questions for extra tokens. I asked, "What are the three primary colors?". One of my students said, " I know- black, white, and Mexican!!" I laughed so hard, I gave him 2 tokens.Chrystal Hunt, North Port, FL
One teacher I had for Biology had a special way to remember Kingdom Pylum Class Order Family Genus Species. Her way we found out was King Phillip Came Over For Really Great Spaghetti. But, she was a bit flustered that day and instead of saying King Phillip Came Over For Really Great Spaghetti, she said King Phillip Came Over For Really Great Sex.Claire A. ~ CA
I was handing out directions on how to make something. I can not even remember now what it was. One little boy turned to the kid next to him and he said--- "I love it when Mrs. Towell hands out erections."Jennifer Towell- Stuart, FL
A kindergarten student at my school was sent to the office for saying a rather naughty word in the cafeteria. I talked to him about using other words to say when he was angry. We practiced "shucks", "darn", "rats", etc. I told him my favorite word was "dag nab it!". He said he liked that one, we high-fived each other and I went off feeling like I helped him. I later walked back in the office to find him still sitting there. He jumped off his stool, ran up to me and yelled "DAMN RABBITS!!" while grinning ear to ear!Mary Slavin ~ Stuart, FL
I was wearing a long, colorful skirt made out of that broomstick material when I was trying to explain the word "brag" to my First Graders. I was pretending to brag about being the fastest runner in the whole class. I was going on and on when a little boy raised his hand and said, "You can't run fast wearing that CURTAIN!"Chris Minch ~Stuart, FL
My 5th graders were doing their warm-ups when one came up to ask a question about something he didn't understand. He read it out loud to me. "According to the picture, how much would the orgasms be magnified." I am soo proud of myself...without busting, I politely corrected his pronunciation. "That word is organism Dear."Michelle Lee ~ League City, TX
Years ago, when I first started teaching, I had a little girl in my first grade class whose mother was going to have a baby. The baby was due in February, so around the fifth of the month I started asking Stephanie if her Mother had had the baby. I guess I asked her too many times because one day she came in and said, "My Mother had the baby." I asked her what she had and Stephanie answered, "They don't know yet, it's too small." I asked her if her Mother really had had the baby, and she admitted she hadn't. I told her that I wouldn't bother her anymore, and that she could tell me when it arrived. A few days later, she did tell me, and it was a girl. I never "bugged" another student about something like that happening in his/her family again.Daisy Sedalnick ~ Denver, Colorado
The science lesson was moving along with great interest as we discussed the habits of nocturnal animals. Now the question was asked, "What do you call animals that are active and feed during the day? "My fourth grade, smiling boy replied with confidence in his voice---"I know--ETERNAL!"Mary Dungan ~ Marianna,Fl
I was helping a little girl practice her handwriting in first grade and she was staring at me intently. Thinking she was paying close attention I continued. She then politely said " I don't want to be mean but do you know you have hair on your lip?" I then said " Is it black?' She said " no" so I told her not to worry about it!!!!"Maureen Besst ~ Orlando , FL
When we were discussing who spoke English and who spoke Spanish Kristopher piped up and said he just talks regular.Maureen Besst ~ Orlando, FL
I teach preschool, 2 year olds. When I was Pregnant with my 3rd child, I saw no reason to tell my class because they were so young. As the year was coming to an end, I grew quite large. One of my little darlings came up to me and said," Miss Ilene, your belly is getting very fat!" I asked this little boy if he'd like to know why, and he said yes. I told him I had a baby in my tummy. He walked away, saying nothing. The next day, this happy, never cry child pitched a fit when his mother tried to leave. She pulled him aside and they talked for a few minutes, and the little boy calmed down, and the mom was grinning from ear to ear. I asked what happened and she said, "Adam thought you might eat him, you've already eaten a baby."I.Kendig ~ GA
A wise school teacher sends this note to all parents on the first day of school: "If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I'll promise not to believe everything he says happens at home.
One of the teachers had a kindergartner come up to her and say that he found a frog. The teacher asked if the frog was alive or dead. The student said it was dead. The teacher asked how he knew. The boy said, "I pissed in it's ear." The teacher said, "You what?" He said, "You know, I went to his ear and said, 'PSST!' and it didn't move. So it must be dead."Gail Beck ~ Augusta, ME
A few blocks away from our school, on our way to a pumpkin farm last Fall, one of my first graders was looking out the window of the bus,
while she was excitedly pointing and naming all the places she recognized; - "that's where my grandma works," pointing to a supermarket warehouse.
"My mom works at the bank", and that her auntie also worked somewhere. All of the sudden she stops, turns, and says to me, "How about you Mrs.
Alvarez? Where do you work?" I thought that was a classic.
First Grade True StoryOne day the first grade teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class. She came to the part of the story where the first pig was trying to accumulate the building materials for his home. She read, "...And so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said, "Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that straw to build my house?'" The teacher paused then asked the class, "And what do you think that man said?" One little boy raised his hand and said, "I think he said 'Holy %$#@! A talking pig!'" The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.
I was showing a video regarding the Revolutionary War to my "slower" class of seventh graders. Before turning on the video, I told them that the video would show actors portraying different historical people such as John Adams or Thomas Jefferson. I even told them that there would be a sign which would come up during the film which would remind everybody that these actors were saying the actual words of the historical characters that they were portraying. (I could see, however, that a few of the boys were not paying attention to what I was saying.) I turned on the video, waited for and pointed out the sign I had mentioned, and then watched the students as they watched the video. An actor portraying George Washington appeared. "Hey," I heard one boy say as he nudged his nearby friend, "is that George Washington?" His friend regarded him with utter contempt. "Stupid!" he whispered back, "This video's in color. They didn't have color videotape back then. If it was George Washington, it would be in black and white!"FKM321@aol.com
Every school year with first, second, and third graders I do an activity I call "The United Shades of America." We match our skin color to "people color" paints and paint portraits and walls, make hand-print murals, and celebrate who we are and how we look. The colors are called everything from cinnamon, peach, and mahogany, to toast. When one third-grader's skin color matched the "wheat" color, he became so excited, he hollered, "I'm finally Student of the Wheat."JoMarie PriviteraBuffalo, New York
While discussing the vocabulary for our new story last week, I asked the class what they knew about a harbor. One child responded, "It's like a boat parking lot with a dock."Slynnk27@cs.com
We were doing a science lesson on how plants grow. The children all got a chance to plant their own seeds. As the teacher I planted a few
extra seeds for the children whose plants do not sprout. After a few weeks of watching them I secretly exchanged a few. The next day one
of my students said "Look teacher, it's a miracle, my plant is growing". I said "Yes, seeds sprouting is very exciting". He said," No teacher,
that's not the miracle, I ATE the SEED and it is growing anyway!"
Debbie Capuano
My first grade class and I were on a field trip. We were walking along a board walk that stretched over a wetlands area. Along the board walk were
little plaques with donors names engraved on them. I heard one boy ask another, "What do you think all these names mean?". The other boy responded,
"They must be the names of people who fell off and died!".
Beth Weatherstone ~ Vero Beach, FL
"Real teachers keep a straight face when a parent tells them their child did not complete the homework because their computer does not have Roman
numerals on it." (True story!)
I was sitting, at the end of the day, waiting for my kindergarten class to get ready so that I could read them a story before we left. One child was playing
with a book, waving it in other children's faces. I told her to stop and she did... for 2 minutes. Then she started again. I said, "Maybe you shouldn't go on
the trip." Without missing a beat she answered (very sweetly) "Maybe I should."
Nadine Elhathat ~ Brooklyn, NY
The children had all been photographed, and
the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.
"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and
say, 'There's Jennifer; she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, he's a
doctor.'" A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's
the teacher; ...she's dead."
Gail Beck ~ Augusta, Maine
A neighbor is a primary school principal. They started school on Thursday. Friday morning a
little, bitty girl strolls into the main office. "I don't know where to go or who my teacher is," she announces.
The principal tells her everything will be okay, and asks what grade Little Miss Muffet is in.
"First," the mite replies confidently. "And do you know your name, darling?" "Oh yes, and my telephone too."
Her eyes start to tear up. The principal reassures her they have a powerful computer which will reveal all. They type in the child's
name. "Honey, you are in Kindergarten, not First." "Oh no. I already came yesterday."
I lovvvvve this accelerated program, don't you?
Gail Beck ~ Augusta, ME
I was walking down the hall with a student when she asked me if I had a boyfriend. I told her "No", and I asked why she wanted to know. She said, "Because I want you to
go on a date with my Dad". The funny part of all this is that her
parents are married and her Mom was a volunteer at the school and a friend of
Chris Gulotta ~Tallahassee, FL
While I was doing my student teaching, my supervising teacher was talking to the class about ticks and how you should pour alcohol on it in order to
remove the tick. One of the children anxiously raised his hand and said," I know why you put alcohol on the tick--to make it drunk!"
It was getting to be "sweater weather" and we had a bad case of static cling in the room. After our morning carpet time, we found a pair of ladies thong panties on the carpet! I guess they were stuck in one of the kids' sleeves.Chris Gulotta ~Tallahassee, FL
I was taking my kindergarten class to the art room one day. After walking in the door, one of the little boys said, "It smells like marker breath in here!"Vicki Wells ~Stuart, FL
After a recent trip to Washington, D.C., I was showing my kindergarteners pictures of the different monuments and buildings. I held up a picture and said, "This is the Capitol building." A little boy, Jeremy, asked, "Where is the Lower Case building?" Chris Gulotta ~Stuart, FL
It was Clown Day at school and I was wearing a pair of large, baggy pants with a hula hoop at the waist. One boy peeked in my pants and said, "You look like you could have a party in those pants."Vicki Wells ~ Stuart, FL
My husband and I got a very nice job offer to take over a ranch for a couple who were wanting to retire. The problem was that we live in North Dakota and the ranch is in Wisconsin. I was discussing it with my 6 and 8 year old daughters and asked what their feelings were on the issue. My six year old piped up and said, "Mom, we can't do that! Think how long it would take us to get to school!"Daran Sagvold ~ North Dakota
On the first day of class I always conduct an "icebreaker" activity. The students are to stand, introduce themselves, and tell us something most people don't know about them. One student responded: "My name is Chris and I hate people that suck up to the teacher......by the way, Western Civ. is my favorite class."Bill McClelland ~ Pittsburgh, PA
I was talking to one of my kindergarteners while walking to lunch. She was telling me that her aunt, who was also her "fairy godmother", was taking her to Disney World.Vicki Wells ~ Stuart, FL
I began teaching jive in my Grade 6 class and some of the boys were a little reluctant to hold hands, get close to the girls,etc. I wanted to make the point that there are only a few places where people (especially boys) can learn how to dance, like school, their mom, or a friend. I gave a short talk and asked the boys, "Where can you learn to dance?" One of my students quickly replied, "A gay bar?"Jay KennardI was teaching, or so I thought, some French culture to a group of 8th graders a few years ago, and we were discussing the martyred Joan of Arc. Being a (very bad) punster, I referred to Joan as the "original French fry." A student shyly raised his hand and asked, "I thought she was swallowed by a whale." Another student solved the concern by stating, "No, that was Jonah!" Lynne Lucas ~Jacksonville, FL
"Special Occasions" (Author Unknown)
This is more embarrassing for my mother than for me because I wasn't quite four years old when it happened. My mother taught me to read when I was 3 years old (her first mistake). One day I was in the bathroom and noticed one of the cabinet doors was ajar. I read the box in the cabinet. I then asked my mother why she was keeping napkins in the bathroom. Didn't they belong in the kitchen? Not wanting to burden me with unnecessary facts she told me that those were for special occasions. Now fast forward a few months. It's Thanksgiving Day, and my folks are leaving to pick up the pastor and his wife for dinner. Mom had assignments for all of us while they were gone. Mine was to set the table. You guessed it! When they returned, the pastor came in first and immediately burst into laughter. Next came his wife who gasped, then began giggling. Next came my father, who roared with laughter. Then came mom, who almost died of embarrassment when she saw each place setting on the table with a "special occasion" napkin at each plate, with the fork carefully arranged on top. I had even tucked the little tails in so they didn't hang off the edge. My mother asked me why I used these and, of course, my response sent the other adults into further fits of laughter. "But Mom, you SAID they were for special occasions!!
I was helping a four-year old straggler meet up with the group as they waited for us inside the children's museum. I had not realized that his pants were a bit big for him. I knew he loved to run and that he understood what it was to pace. "Pace with me," I coaxed. He said he couldn't and he sounded sincere. I still kept up an animated walk. "Pace me," I smiled. I looked down to see his problem at the same time he looked up and said, "You're pacing my pants off!"Sharon Johnson ~ Indianapolis, IN
I was student teaching in the first grade. We were just introducing addition. One of the boys told me that he could add and he even knew how to do "attraction." I inquired about his knowledge. He said," Oh, you know! Like you've got 5 kids in the hall and 2 go into the bathroom. THAT'S attraction!Michelle Harper ~ Willis, TX
Three years ago I started teaching Kindergarten. I had the perfect mix of kids. I soon discovered I would become a grandmother that February. I told my class a couple of weeks before the baby was born that I would be missing a couple of weeks to be with my daughter when her baby came. One of my students (a girl) jumped up from her chair and said, "Oh, you gonna wear your hair up and wear old lady clothes!" What was so funny was her expressions of movements she made. She put her hand up like her hair was on top of her head and then motioned to her clothes. I was 42 when my granddaughter was born. M121180@aol.com
I was doing a Character Counts lesson on cooperation. I asked my kindergarteners if anyone could tell me what cooperation means. A little girl raised her hand and said, "Someone in my family had a cooperation and died!".Vicki Wells ~ Stuart, FL
A mother was teaching her 3 year old daughter the Lord's prayer. For several evenings at bedtime she repeated it after her mother. One night she said she was ready to solo. The mother listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word right up to the end "Lead us not into temptation" she prayed, "but deliver us some E-mail, Amen."Readers' Digest
I was trying to hook up a laser disc player and was having a heck of a time getting it connected to the TV and VCR. I asked the kids to sit still for a minute and give me a second to fiddle. When I asked them if they knew what fiddle meant, Kelsey stood up and said, "You know...she has to go to the bathroom."Chris Gulotta ~ Tallahassee, FL
A four year old was at the pediatrician for a check up. As the doctor looked down her ears with an otoscope, he asked, Do you think I'll find Big Bird in here? The little girl stayed silent. Next, the doctor took a tongue depressor and looked down her throat. He asked, Do you think I'll find the Cookie Monster down there? Again, the little girl was silent. Then the doctor put a stethoscope to her chest. As he listened to her heart beat, he asked, Do you think I'll hear Barney in there? Oh, no! the little girl replied. Jesus is in my heart. Barney's on my underpants.Taken from one of those forwarded emails...
I was asking one of my kindergarteners what their address was. She replied, "423 21 Jump Street". This was back in 1988!Chris Gulotta ~Tallahassee, FL
One morning, while we were doing our small group reading, my fifth graders kept on saying the word "he" for "we". This was quite unusual! Finally, it was Kaley's turn to read. She said "he" also. I corrected her and said it's "we" and she said "Okay, we, we, we!" The entire class was in an uproar because after she said the "we" three times everyone thought of the other we ("Wee!"). A few minutes later several children had to go to the bathroom. I guess it was because they were reminded to go! Sherry Jaramillo ~ Deltona, Florida.
My students had just come from a science class, where some of them tried eating sea weed. One of the students who didn't said, "I would never eat that." I told him that it is in many things he eats everyday. I said, "If the ingredients have kelp in them, then you are eating sea weed." He said, "Kelp? I thought that was those skirts the Scottish guys wear."Debbie Lafond ~Cumberland, RI
Little Johnny walked into his kindergarten room one morning wearing shoes that were at least 6 sizes too big. The teacher looked at him and asked "Johnny, who's shoes are you wearing?". Johnny smiled back and said proudly "my big brother's". The teacher, still puzzled asked, "Does your mother know you have your brother's shoes on?" Johnny replied " YES she does, she's the one who said I could wear them". The teacher is now really confused so she has to ask "Why did your mothertell you to wear your brother's shoes?" Johnny said with a grin, "because he buried MINE in the back yard!!"M. Diane Barber-Lacroix Ft. Pierce, FL
I teach 2nd grade boys in church, and came up with a way I thought would keep all the boys from being preoccupied with looking out the window. "You know," I would tella boy, "There might be a girl out there, and if she sees you staring she'll think you like her." It worked really well last year to get their attention back onto me, and I imagine a couple teachers I told picked it up. Well, this year it worked on a few boys, but then I saw one boy flapping his arm and making gross noises with his armpit. "If the girls see you doing that, they'll think you're trying to impress them," I said. He replied: "This won't impress them. They'll just think I smell."D.Fowler
Well, I am a student in 7th grade. In my science class, my classmates and I had to read a paragraph out of the science book. This one girl, Alicia, was reading, and instead on saying organism, she said orgasm. I tried so hard not to burst out laughing, and it worked until I got out of the classroom. As I was going to my next class, I started cracking up.Kelsea Rutledge
I was a teachers aid for a kindergarten class and the teacher was handing out "awards" for tasks the students could pass off. They had to know their address, phone number, and show her that they knew how to tie their shoe. As the teacher was going around the room asking the students if they knew these things one little girl came up to her and said "I know my Monroe, I know my Monroe!" Needless to say, she lived on Monroe street!Amanda Reynolds ~ Layton, Utah
On the first day of school my first graders were anxious to show me the things that they had brought to school in their backpacks. One little girl came up with a small memo book with a picture of a kitten on the front and told me "Mrs. Byers, I have 2 of these in my backpack!" I responded that it was very nice but, since we wouldn't be using them in school perhaps she could take it home and write in it or do some homework in it. With a huge smile, and as pleased as punch, she said, "It's a diarrhea! (diary!)" I could not stop laughing!
Terri Byers~ Columbus, Ohio
I worked in an Elementary School clinic for seven years. Needless to say, I have seen a lot of funny things in there. However, one day this sweet little girl came in. She had what appeared to be a cold in her right eye. Trying to rule out pink eye, I asked her if it was crusted over when she woke up that morning. She said, "Yes, I think the sleepy man put too much boogers in it!" Priceless huh?!Melissa Brady ~ Okeechobee, FL
My family was sitting down eating dinner, and our five year old seemed to be upset. She looked up at my husband and I and said "Mom Dad my teacher said a bad word at school today. I said "oh,no what did she say" She looked at my husband and I to see if she was going to get into trouble and said "Well, today we were learning about bugs, and she said that they were in-sex (insects)"Lydia Schuster ~ Fulton, MO
A friend of mine was teaching an art lesson to several first graders. She was trying to get them to remember the colors, and how to make other colors from the primary colors. A little boy walked up to her, held up his first finger and said sweetly "Red". The teacher said that that was very good. He then held up his third finger and sweetly said "Blue". She again replied that that was good. Then she asked him "What color do those two colors make?" He then raised his fist in the air, proudly extended his middle finger and shouted "PURPLE!!!!"......just as the principal walked into the room. It took the principal three glasses of water and several tissues in order to compose herself and resume her day. Leslie Marlowe
I passed out snack to a class of kindergartners. One young man looked up at me and told me that he wanted to share his cookie. (He had licked, smeared and slobbered it all over his face.) I told him no thank you, and explained that I had gained weight over the winter break and needed to be careful about eating snacks. He looked at me and I could tell his little mind was thinking. I started to feel bad and decided I WOULD choke down the cookie somehow! But then he said, "Teacher, its ok, really, I think you look the same fatness!"
When I was in first Grade, my teacher was having a spelling contest....One of my friends was going against another girl. The word was T H I S. Being young and wanting to come in first with the right word, she spelled SHIT first. The whole class was stunned and we didn't understand. But our teacher laughed so hard she had to leave the room. And now 10 years later we still tease her about it.Cassandra Stevens ~ Dallas, TX
I was waiting for my 4 year old son's preschool class to be dismissed when the door to his classroom opened and out walked one of his teacher's right over to me. Laughing she told me that after their goodbye song she exclaimed "TGIF" and then asked the class if anyone knew what that meant. She said my son, waiving his arm in the air shouted " I do, PAYDAY!!" Dana McDonald ~ NewJersey
During a science lesson on warm blooded and cold blooded animals a little struggling third grade student started begging to tell me what he thought about a turtle. He said, " You KNOW that turtle's gotta be warm blooded cause he has that rubber stuff on his legs that we almost never got cut offone night. My uncle killed one and threw him in the bathtub and we couldn't hardly get that stuff off, so you KNOW it's gotta be warm in there!" I walked into the hall with my book in front of my face and laughed until I cried!Margaret Anne Ewing
I was teaching art to a class of second graders and trying to let them know that quilts are made out of fabric, or cloth, as they haven't really learned those words yet. I was wearing a red wool vest and a cotton shirt and used what I was wearing as an example. I said, "This is wool and it comes from a sheep. This is cotton and it comes from a garden." Later that day, the classroom teacher who was in the room while I taught her class art said that one student came up to her later in the day to ask her, "But where do they get red sheep?" Kim Brodie, Birmingham Alabama
Several years ago, a primary student in my school was sent to see the principal for misbehaving in the classroom. The principal was very upset to see this same young man in his office again (because he seemed to be there quite often). After talking sternly to the boy for a few minutes and reprimanding him, the principal gave the boy this warning, "The next time you come to my office... I guess I'm going to have to get out my paddle!" Without blinking an eye, the confused boy replied, "You have a boat?"Amy -- Kentucky
During P.E. class, one of my students said that she was part American Indian. I asked if she was part Seminole. She then stated "No, I'm a Gator!"Ron Woodard, Ocala, FL
This is my first year teaching. I've spent much of my time trying to get the students interested in the day's material. The best comment I've heard all year was from a student that had disregarded many of my previous classes. Michael exclaimed," Hey! This stuff is pretty easy, when you pay attention!". He's spent much more time listening and taking notes in class. Another light bulb turned on and burning brightly!Bill B. ~ Pensacola, FL
In our church, we have missionaries that travel around from place to place spreading the gospel. One day while driving to a doctor's appointment, I saw two of our local missionaries walking down the street. At that same instant my little sister exclaimed " Look! It's the dictionaries!"Rebecca Brand
I teach 2nd grade and have many funny stories, but this one tops them all. One day little girl in my cousin's first grade class went home and asked her mother what testicles were. Caught off guard, her mother sat down and gingerly began to explain, as best as she could, what they were. After the long spill, the little girl looked at her mother and said, "That is not what my teacher told me they were. She told me that you wear them on your eyes to help you see better!" Needless to say, it was spectacles (glasses) that were being talked about!! Talk about a pick-me-up!Joy Knop - Thomasville, GA
We were at my in-laws one weekend and our 4 yr old who is now eight was in their bathroom looking at herself in the mirror, one of her favorite things to do. My father in law went in the bathroom and asked her what she was doing, she replied just looking. She then said " Papa can I ask you a question?" "yes" he said she says " did God make you and me both?" "Yes God made both of us" he replied. She then looked in the mirror and then back at her papa and in the mirror again, she did this a couple of times before finally saying "Boy he sure is doing a better job now." We all laughed for several minutes at the expense of my father in-law. We occasionally bring it up at family functions too. Jodie, Siloam Springs, AR
My aunt is a first grade teacher in Northern New York. One day she was explaining the different seasons to her class. Summer, Spring, Winter and Fall. My aunt opened the window to show her class the leaves that had fallen on the ground then asked if one of her students could tell her what season it was now. A little boy outfitted with camouflage raised his hand, she called on him. "What season is it?", she asked. Without missing a beat, "It's hunting season". He was right!Laura Stone- Northern, NY
One afternoon I was playing with my three year old daughter and two year old son. I would pretend to be asleep and then "wake up" when they poked me. At one point they poked me but I stayed "asleep". My son turned to my daughter and said, "Ah Oh, I think we need to change Mommy's batteries." Alicia Hamilton
I waited in the school yard for my kindergartener granddaughter to finish class each day. Two days a week my 3 year old granddaughter waited with me. We live in a multi-ethnic area. One day we were sitting with other parents and grandparents when a gentleman walked up in a white turban, white Neru dress and pants, and white mustache and beard. My 3 year old leaned in close and whispered to herself, "He's God." She sat very still and quiet until he came and sat nearby. Then I heard her say, "Oh, he's just a man."Diagramtz@aol.com
My mother has enjoyed sharing this story many times over. When I was 3 years old my family and I were in the car on our way to a relatives house and I voiced that had to go #2. We were no where near a restroom, so my mom told me to squeeze my cheeks and wait until we got there. When she looked back to see if was okay, there I was with my hands on my face "squeezing my cheeks"! Danielle Wright
I have 4 daughters ages 5 and under. We frequently are joined by my 5 year old nephew in our every day adventures as well. We all went to the Dr's office to have my 3 yr old tested for a UTI. The doc handed me a cup and said to take it home and have her pee in it for him (because she refused to at the office). And before I could agree, my nephew chimes in "But how is she going to fit in there?" Needless to say the doc had to collect himself before going to the next patient!!! Jessi Brown, WV
I was teaching a unit on Florida to my 4th graders prior to a field trip to St. Augustine, showing a book with pictures of the building of the railroad by Flagler. One of my students asked me: "were the streets black and white back then?"
After recovering my jaw from the floor, I asked her to please tell me she was kidding. She wasn't.Ada Fennell
Jumat, 07 September 2007
Beberapa macam buah-buahan.
Beberapa piring dan sendok sayur sesuai dengan jumlah kelompok.
Sebatang kapur tulis.
Cara bermain:Guru/pemimpin permainan dan seluruh peserta/murid-murid menghafalkan lebih dahulu nama-nama buah Roh yang tercantum dalam Galatia 5:22. Kamudian para peserta dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok. Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 9 orang.
Dalam kelompok setiap orang saling memperkenalkan diri, kemudian mengulang kembali nama-nama buah Roh yang tertulis dalam Gal. 5:22. Setiap peserta mengingat nama satu buah Roh. Susunan buah Roh itu adalah sebagai berikut: kasih, sukacita, damai sejahtera, kesabaran, kemurahan, kebaikan, kesetiaan, kelemahlembutan, dan penguasaan diri.
Pemimpin memberi sebuah garis start di lantai, kemudian setiap peserta kelompok berbaris. Pada garis tersebut diletakkan sebuah piring dan dalam piring itu ditaruh beberapa buah-buahan. Kira-kira 20 meter dari piring pertama, diletakkan sebuah piring kosong.
Ketika permainan dimulai peserta pertama mengatakan, "Saya berbuah kasih" dengan suara keras, lalu ia mengambil satu buah yang terdapat di dalam piring dengan menggunakan sendok sayur. Setelah itu ia berlari menuju piring kosong dan meletakkannya di piring itu. Ketika ia kembali ke tempat semula, ia memberikan sendok sayur itu kepada orang kedua, dan ia mengatakan, "Saya berbuah sukacita". Orang kedua berlari menuju ke piring yang berisi satu buah tadi dan membawanya kembali ke tempat semula, lalu meletakkan buah itu di piring yang pertama. Demikianlah seterusnya sampai semua nama buah Roh itu disebutkan sebanyak dua kali. Kelompok yang paling cepat menyelesaikan permainan ini menjadi pemenangnya.
Buah-buah yang terjatuh ke lantai tidak boleh diambil dengan bantuan tangan atau kaki, tetapi harus diambil dengan sendok sayur tadi. Sewaktu berlari, salah satu tangan harus diletakkan di belakang punggung dengan menyebutkan sebelumnya, "Saya berbuah ... " Bila ia salah atau lupa menyebutkan nama "buah" itu, ia harus mengulangnya sekali lagi.
Tujuan:Sebagai orang Kristen, kita harus selalu menghasilkan buah Roh, dan buah Roh itu harus nyata dalam kehidupan kita setiap hari. (Galatia 5:22)
Sebuah tape recorder, kaset, dan bola (berukuran kecil).
Permainan ini diadakan di dalam ruangan dan ditujukan untuk anak- anak, remaja, dan pemuda.
Cara bermain:Para peserta duduk berkeliling membentuk lingkaran. Kemudian kaset diputar sambil bola dijalankan (dari tangan ke tangan). Tiba-tiba musik dihentikan dan peserta yang mendapat giliran memegang bola harus menjelaskan tokoh Alkitab yang disebutkan oleh pemimpin. Misalnya pemimpin menyebut "Adam", maka ia berkata "Adam adalah orang pertama di dunia. Karena ia telah jatuh ke dalam dosa, saya menjadi berdosa." Peserta yang tidak dapat menjelaskan pelajaran rohani yang diperolehnya dari tokoh itu, akan dikenakan hukuman.
Tujuan:Mengingatkan kita akan peranan tokoh-tokoh Alkitab yang diceritakan dalam Alkitab dan mengambil pelajaran rohani dari mereka bagi pertumbuhan rohani kita. (2Timotius 3:16)
100 Permainan dan 500 Kuis Alkitab, Dr. Mary Go Setiawani dan Rachmiati, , halaman 18 dan 121, Yayasan Kalam Hidup, Bandung, 1994.
Selasa, 04 September 2007
Untuk semester I tahun pembelajaran 2007/2008 ini pembelajaran ke luar kelas bagi kelas I adalah mengadakan kunjungan ke airport Soroako.
Pada hari Selasa, 4 September 2007, kunjungan dikhususkan bagi siswa kelas I A dan I D.
Berjumlah 59 anak, dengan tiga orang guru masing-masing: Ibu Chitra, Ibu Suriana dan Ibu Tity, mereka menuju airport dengan berjalan kaki karena memang jarak antara sekolah dengan airport tidak jauh, sekitar 5 - 7 menit dengan berjalan kaki.
Pesawat tiba pukul 13.30 WITA.
Setelah penumpang turun, para petugas mempersilahkan para siswa untuk naik ke pesawat secara berkelompok masing-masing 10 - 12 siswa.
Di dalam pesawat, para guru menjelaskan cara pemakaian sabuk pengaman.
Siswa mempraktekkan cara menggunakan safety belt tersebut.
Sekitar 5 - 10 menit berada di dalam pesawat, mereka turun dan digantikan oleh kelompok berikutnya.
Hampir semua anak merasa sangat senang dengan kunjungan ini karena belum pernah sebelumnya menggunakan pesawat. Namun ada juga yang kecewa karena ternyata:
"pesawatnya tidak terbang, buuuu....kapan terbangnya???"
Yang pertama bernama Joshua Immanuel Fredrick Nanulaitta, berumur 6 tahun.
Nama kecilnya adalah Jo. Jo lahir tanggal 6 Februari 2001.
Sekarang ia bersekolah di SD Gamaliel, Makassar, kelas 1.
Sejak berumur 4 tahun, Joshua sudah pintar menulis dan membaca.
Bahkan oleh guru di tempat lesnya dia sudah diajarkan menulis tulisan tegak bersambung.
Tulisannya pun indah.
Badannya gempal, sesuai dengan kesenangannya: makan dan minum susu.
Jo juga sangat senang jika diajak bermain di Time Zone atau taman bermain yang ada di Panakukang Mal.
Jo sangat senang jika diajak berenang di Tirta Kodam, Tello. Bahkan setiap kali saya berlibur ke Makassar (saya bekerja di Soroako), ia selalu minta diajak ke sana.
Jo juga sangat senang naik sepeda. Sudah setahun ini dia bisa mengendarai sepeda beroda dua.
Yang kedua adalah Jonathan Gabriel Marlessy Nanulaitta, berumur 5 tahun.
Ia biasa dipanggil Jonat. Jonat lahir pada tanggal 29 April 2002.
Jonat bersekolah di TK Gamaliel, Makassar.
Sama seperti kakaknya, Jonat juga sudah mengikuti les membaca dan menulis sejak berumur 4 tahun.
Ia juga sudah bisa menulis tulisan tegak bersambung.
Berbanding terbalik dengan kakaknya, badan Jonat terkesan ceking, karena memang ia tidak terlalu suka makan. Tapi ia tetap senang minum susu, apalagi susu yang beraroma madu.
Sama seperti kakaknya, Jonat sangat senang berenang di Tirta Kodam.
Jonat juga sangat senang naik sepeda walaupun sampai sekarang ia masih belajar untuk mengendarai sepeda beroda dua.
Mereka berdua sangat saling menyayangi. Sehingga jika ada orang lain yang mengganggu salah satu dari mereka, maka yang lainnya akan membela saudaranya.
Sungguh senang memiliki kemenakan sepintar dan selucu mereka.
Senin, 03 September 2007
Waktu pelaksanaan house adalah setiap hari Senin minggu ke-2 dan 4 pukul 07.15 - 08.00.
Jenis Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah:
* Menyanyikan lagu-lagu wajib nasional dan daerah
* Berbagai permainan yang memerlukan ketangkasan dan sikap sportifitas
Susunan pengurus House SD YPS Lawewu Soroako secara lengkap adalah sebagai berikut:
A. Pembina House
1. I Gusti Ayu K (House Master)
2. Made Sukawirya
3. Maria Magdalena
4. Endang Suprapti
5. Ruslam
6. Darwin Panjaitan
1. Alexander L. Kolatlena (House Master)
2. Baharuddin
3. Sri Andayani
4. Chitra A.D.
5. H. Muh. Thahir
6. Yemmie D. Isa
1. Sentot Tri Wahyu (House Master)
2. Stepen Irianto
3. H. Maris Manrapi
4. Halipa
5. Jeanney Runtukahu
6. Ludiana Batung
1. Basri (House Master)
2. Agus Pamatan
3. Octovina J. Nanulaitta
4. Maritje P. Sabu
5. Hj. Neneng Kurniawati
6. Muh. As’ad Hasan
1. Agus Sistyono (House Master)
2. M. Joko Subagio
3. I Gede Sudarsana
4. Septyowati
5. Hartini
6. Irma Savitri
7. Mieke Mentaruk
B. House Captain dan Vice Captain
a. White House
Captain : Nadia Faradhiba Erbasan
Vice Captain : Ida Bagus Dwi
b. Yellow Haouse
Captain : Bayu Kengkongan Ary
Vice Captain : Aghi Herawaty
c. Green House
Captain : Rafli Rusli
Vice Captain : Eva Junita
d. Red House
Captain : Nurul Titania
Vice Captain :
e. Blue House
Captain : Afrah Adillah
Vice Captain : Farid Agam Azali